The Falls Creek to Mount Bogong Loop

The third in our series of Epic Circuits for Day Hiking and Trail Running in the Victorian High Country, the 52 kilometre monster Falls Creek to Mount Bogong Loop will have you clocking up over 2,000 metres of elevation gain as you follow steep trails in and out of rugged valleys, pass beautiful high country huts, ford mountain rivers, and take in spectacular views from atop of Victoria’s highest mountain.

The Toolangi Tanglefoot Circuit

The second in our series of Great Circuits for Day Hiking and Trail Running Near Melbourne, the 15 kilometre Tanglefoot Circuit in Toolangi State Forest follows a lovely foot trail through spectacular bushland. The terrain isn’t extremely demanding, so it’s a fantastic trail to get out and stretch your legs on whilst still enjoying the scenery.

The skills sports teach us that we take into other areas of life

“Practising [adventure] sports can strengthen the ability to keep a clear mind and to stay composed under pressure, skills that can be very valuable in all aspects of life.”

Great to have insights on the value of adventure sports from our team quoted in this article by inspiresport.

Essential Survival Gear for Day Hiking and Trail Running in the Australian Alps

The Australian Alps offer some spectacular routes for day hiking and trail running. Get out there and have fun, but beware, this remote and rugged environment demands respect. Here is a list of some key items of gear to consider for survival in the Alps.

The 3 Best Places for Cliff Camping That Thrill- Seekers Should Try At Least Once

"Something that every thrill seeker must try at least once in their life."

Cool to be listed as one the 3 best places in the world for cliff camping in this article by Elite Daily!

6 Extreme Sports to Plan Your Next Holiday Around

Awesome to have our Beyond the Edge cliff camping experience featured in GQ Magazine's debut edition of GQ Middle East! Check out this round-up of extreme sports around the world and start planning your next trip!