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Extreme Adventures


Here's one you'll be able to dine out on for years, sleeping on a 'portaledge' - that is, a suspended platform 300 metres above the ground. Chances are you won't actually be able to snooze, but that's not the point -  cliff camping is the bucket-list experience for adrenaline junkies. The idea was pioneered in Colorado in 2014, when Kent Mountain Adventure Center started overnight abseiling tours in the Rockies. Australia has now gone one better, with the world's highest cliff camping experience in Victoria's Mount Buffalo National Park. To get there, you must first abseil down to the suspended ledge, where you'll then enjoy dinner overlooking the treetops of Mount Buffalo Gorge, before settling down for the night. The morning call of pied currawongs signals breakfast time - and the fact you survived the night - after which you can choose to ascend the clifftop or abseil the dramatic descent, one of the highest of its kind in the world, down to the valley floor.

Read the full article in Virgin Australia Voyeur Magazine.