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Fly In, Fly Out Microadventures

#5 Cliff Camping//Mt Buffalo National Park

Caves, beaches, mountain tops, rivers, islands….there are plenty of alternative places to pitch up and call home for the night in Australia. Sleeping on a vertical cliff face in a gorge suspended hundreds of metres above terra firma has got to be up there.

A few hours drive from Melbourne and you can experience this. It’s the country’s first and the world’s highest commercial portaledge cliff camping experience. Enjoy a dinner in your new digs under a blanket of stars, and after a sunrise breakfast abseil 300m down to the valley fall.

Unless you’re a professional cleaner of skyscraper windows, this is probably a weekend that’ll balance nerves with wonder from what is probably Australia’s most unique viewing platform. To book this in, contact our friends over at Unleashed Unlimited and they’ll sort you out a treat.

Read the full article at We Are Explorers.